
Photo on 2013-07-11 at 15.27

Who:  I’m a girl.  I’m 28.  I’m goofy, sarcastic and love fashion.  I think it all started back when I was six and my Dad brought me and my brother out west for a 2 week camping trip through Cali, Nevada and Arizona.   My mother was horrified when I came back with a tie-dyed, lace lined, shorts and crop top number, but I knew better, I looked damn good. I took a fashion risk and so began my obsession with fashion.

Other fun facts about me:  I also love nutrition, crossfit, NEON, the beach and s’mores.

What:  A fashion blog.  No, don’t leave, it’s different, I swear!  First let me say this is not a couture or high fashion blog whatsoever.  I will not be highlighting high-end designers or what the celebs are wearing.  It is a blog that will take basic garments, that most women already own, and show them new and fun ways to wear them.

Many of my friends claim to have a “plain jane” type of style and my goal is to show you (and them) how to take those basic articles of clothing and turn them into an amazingly fashionable outfit simply by putting the right pieces together and throwing in a few eye catching accessories.  It’s that easy.

The Secret of Style has 3 basic components:

1. Confidence – self-explanitory.  You need to be comfortable in what you wear, if you don’t feel good, you won’t look good.  Period.

2.  Fit – you would think this would be self-explanitory.  I think this is one of the biggest crimes of fashion.  So many people buy things just because they like them or because they are “comfortable” or on sale or whatever.  When something fits right, regardless if you are stick thin or curvaliscious (what, it’s a word), I would choose that Walmart dress that fits right over that baggy or too tight Dior dress any day.  It’s. That. Important.

3.  Flair – Okay I’m not talking about a bunch of pins on your vest here.  It’s giving an outfit a personal touch.  Adding a statement necklace, a patterned scarf, leopard heels, cuffed jeans. Something that screams YOU.  This is probably the biggest challenge for most and the part that I hope to help out with the most!

Where:  Umm, on the interweb?

Why:  Because nobody has ever created a fashion blog before, right?  Okay I at least tried to make mine a little different by basically photographing and writing about one of my favorite activities:  Playing Dress-up.  The main theme will be spotlighting one article of clothing per post, and showing three different ways to wear it:

1. Work – a business casual look
2. Play – a casual, yet sassy look
3. Don’t Care (but, hey, I kinda care) – a step above pajamas

When:  I’m starting to think this five w’s approach was a stupid idea….

How:  Are you really interested in “how” I post a blog?  If you are, then maybe you should be following a blog on how to post blogs you weirdo….but still follow mine too, kay?

One thought on “About

  1. Love this idea!! It’s awesome!! You should follow me too (eht247.wordpress.com).

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